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They're Heeere! Cicada Emergence Begins

The emergence of the Brood X cicadas is underway, and there are numerous reports of the insects coming out of their shells in Butler County. The cicadas from Brood X are making their 17 year appearance this spring. The last emergence was in 2004. Last week's chilly temperatures delayed the mass emergence of billions of the bugs, but this week's rain and warm temperatures are expected to be the green light for the final act to begin. Around five days after the nymphs come out of the shells, the male cicadas will begin singing in order to attract the females. The sound, at times, can rival a lawn mower. After mating, the male will eventually die, and the female will lay her eggs in tree branches and twigs before passing on. The nymphs will hatch, fall to the ground, and burrow down for 17 years. The next appearance will be 2038.


(Photo Credit: Traci Phillips Kinsey/Queen Tee Photos)

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